Plans for Developing the Land

Zeus looked down on the land he wanted. It would be perfect for what he had in mind. He would give it to the richer class. And they would use it for their entertainment, and of course, to worship him. They might even invite him to spend time there. Of course, he’d go anyway, even if they didn’t. There were, after all, perks to being the most powerful one known to mortals. He stroked his tanned face as he imagined everything coming together.

“It’s not the right thing to do,” came the voice. Zeus turned to see Prometheus walking toward him.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m coming to point out that you really shouldn’t take that land for yourself. The people there do not want to move. It’s their land, their home.”

“And it will be mine.” He turned to stare at the one who had helped him and betrayed him. “I let you join me when you abandoned your brother and your father. After you betrayed me, and my son freed
you, I let you stay free. And this is how you repay me.”

“I’m trying to help you, Zeus. You let me stay free because I helped you, not because of the goodness of your heart.”
“You’re a man who works by results, and the result is, I let you stay free.”

“And I’m trying to help you now. I guarantee, taking that land for your own private resort of rich worshippers is a very bad idea. So many people will die or lose faith in the process, you will feel it when you notice less burnt offerings, is it really worth it just to have a private place to enjoy yourself among professional ass-kissers?”

“It’s not just that, it’s for me too. And my family and close, personal friends. Besides, the sacrifices are just a show of respect, we don’t actually need them, knowing I have the power is enough. My brother will enjoy it as well.”

“The Rich One does not intend to take part in that. He knows that taking that land is going to mean a lot more work for him just as his wife comes back from work.”

“Yeah, well, it’s in the job description to work hard, if that’s what he’s really concerned about he’s just whining. Besides, we’re not that close, he rarely comes by. I meant my other brother.”

“Zeus, I am warning you. If you use this for your own pleasure, nothing good can come of it.”

Zeus slicked back his hair that he had dyed especially for the occasion, but said nothing.

“You look younger.”

“It’s the treatments.”

Prometheus sighed, and turned to leave. He had known that Zeus wouldn’t agree to stop this ridiculous plan, like he had known that he wouldn’t stop the other project he began that year, but he had to at least try.